Thursday, November 23, 2006

Check it out!

My first appearance in a book!

My Wing Tsun Kung Fu Sifu, Ralph Haenel will soon be publishing "The Practical Strength Training Guide for Self-defense and Martial Arts"

I have a section in the book on weight training for WT!

I will post a link to the book's website as soon as it is available.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Some great advice from a client on how to get to the gym...

"Make it the only option! When packing the overnight bag fot staying at your man's condo, only put in the running gear and leave your work clothes at home = no choice but to run home.
Oh, and leaving your car at your place helps with this one too!

For the gym:
Remember, always pack your gym bag the night before, and take it with you in the morning.
Never plan to go home to pick it up for an after-work session, it just isn't going to happen!"

Thanks Natalie!

We are not always the most motivated people in the world but there is no doubt physical fitness is a MUST in anyones life!

Find whatever way you can to make it a part of yours. Even if it means sometimes leaving yourself with no other option!

We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make the world.

from the Dhammapada , sayings of the Buddha.
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