First Post Of The New Year!
This one's for you, Sifu...
As I have been a bit remiss on the blog side of things, here's a quick rundown on some happenings since November 26th, 2007.
The Real Fitness Christmas Tune-Up wrapped on Friday December 21. I had a great time teaching the first of my continuing Real Fitness classes. After 3 years of research, I have come up with the right mix of basic movement patterns and exercise variety in a 3X a week class.
Check out pictures and client comments on my homepage!
I am happy to announce as of January 7 2008, Real Fitness is now at Enerchanges Fitness and Training Clinic. Enerchanges is North America's first medically supervised anti-aging, health and fitness clinic, located at the corner of W Broadway and Ash St in False Creek South. It is great to be in such a lovely facility especially as we now have changerooms! Getting ready for work after class is now possible and I plan to make it even easier for those who work at 8:00 by adding a 6am class soon.
A week ago, I also started a 9am Real Fitness class in Kitsilano. At present we train indoors at 21st Ave and Balsam but will move outdoors as soon as spring comes!
On Dec 7th I started playing squash after a 2.5 year layoff. I am not sure why I stopped playing for so long! I am fully addicted again and now have 4 squash partners and plan on making my brother number 5! I am, of course slowly building up to a 3-4 game a week schedule. Always important to do so since this tactic will ensure you eventually play longer and without injury!
My other goal is to beat Marc and Andrew at least half the time... Have the feeling my kettlebell training will only keep improving my squash game.
Speaking of KB training, I have been able to stay quite consistent despite a back issue I am working out with my chiro. Concentrating on the basics (swing, clean and press, snatch, pullups) and also throwing in one deadlift / side press session per week. Started off DL sumo style but have switched to conventional at the beginning of my new cycle and found I am stronger this way. Having long arms and legs, science says I should pull conventional... and science is right!
My Bro and I took a lesson on Saturday with RKC 2 Jim Talo. It was amazing!
Jim took us through 2.5 hours of training on the kettlebell basics. He corrected our swing technique first and what a difference! I seemed to have taught myself relatively well but the corrections Jim gave made my swing way better! My hamstrings are still sore from learning how to truly stretch-load them. I am quite looking forward to using the side-press tips tomorrow morning! The best part though was that I was doing this with my brother! He has seen the best results of his life since starting with KBs last summer. Now I just have to get him training some WingTsun...
In WT news... On Tuesday January 22 I accompanied Sifu Ralph Haenel to Envision Financial in Langley to assist in a lunch and learn for their staff. Sihing Rob Spratt works there as well as Bojan Subotic who organized the event. Sifu Ralph went over the 4 WT fighting principles as well as two practical exercises for the staff to try themselves. He also explained how the WT principles can even relate to handling situations in the workplace. Work related situations of course, not how to stun your co-worker with a well placed fak-sau!
Here is a shot of the group:
So completes the wrap-up. Thanks for reading!