Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wing Tsun Kung Fu - 1TG Applications Video...

Further to
yesterday's post,

Sifu Ralph at Wing Tsun Vancouver posted my 1TG test Applications video today on his blog.

I am relatively happy with my performance with a couple exceptions : )
Thanks to Sihing Brian and Sidai Bojan for their "assistance"!

Here is the video on YouTube:

Creative methods of payment, Part 2...

Nat re-redefines the standard she already set.

We were impressed last time with the Kinder Egg and now Nat has gone one better, with the pumpkin!

How appropriate for this Halloween week that my payment should arrive hidden inside a pumpkin. The pumpkin will also serve as our apartment-size Jack-o-lantern, thereby furthering the thoughtfulness of such a payment method.

Well done Nat!

Monday, October 27, 2008

At long last, my 1TG...

Last Monday, October 20th 2008, I realized a goal 9-years in the making.

I was awarded my 1st Technician Grade in Wing Tsun Kung Fu by Sifu Ralph Haenel at Wing Tsun Vancouver. The 1TG is the WT equivalent of a black-belt.

My WT journey started in 1999 with Dai-Sihing Asad Mir of Wing Tsun Toronto. My friend Rob told me about Sihing Asad's class and suggested we join as were both looking to start our martial arts training again after a couple years off. One class with Sihing Asad convinced us to sign up right away for 6-months and the rest, as they say, is history : )

I'll be posting some video from my TG testing and Kettlebells for Wing Tsun presentation as soon as I get the footage from Sifu Ralph and Sidai Tony. At the same time, I will post my theory paper/article, also on KB Training for WT.

I would like to thank Dai-Sihing Asad Mir, Dai-Sifu Emin Boztepe, Sigung Leung Ting , Rob Roy, Sidai Mark Fitzpatrick, Sihing Dwight Epp, Sihing Rob Spratt, all of my other training partners in Toronto and Vancouver and especially Sifu Ralph Haenel for assisting me on my journey to 1st TG.

I look forward to spending the rest of my life learning and teaching this great self-defence system!

Me and Sifu Ralph with my 1TG Certificate

Monday, October 20, 2008

Translate Gym-Strength to Real-Strength!

Last weekend we went for a walk to Acadia Beach with some friends. Every now and then, I practiced some heavy single-lifts with rocks and logs (video example below). This is a great way to translate your gym-strength into real-life odd-object lifting strength. No evenly-weighted barbells, dumbells or bands here! As an added bonus, you can really test yourself as the "weights" can be dropped if the lift starts to go South...

The great thing about odd-object lifting is that it forces you to lift unbalanced objects and thus strengthens AND wakes-up your body's lifting support systems. Think about things you may lift in everyday life like children, pets and groceries. How many of these are perfectly balanced? Do any of them move and shift weight as you lift them?

Add some odd-object lifting to your weekly routine and see your strength levels rise, body-awareness improve, AND avoid injury with a stronger and more active whole-body support system!


Thursday, October 09, 2008

Do you only train indoors after September?

Perhaps you should rethink how uncomforatble you find winter outdoor training...

The below picture is from a kettlebell juggling competition in Russia. Kettlebells are very popular there and many competitions are held all over the country. Not only is this girevik (kettlebell lifter) wearing only a pair of shorts, he is also blindfolded as he performs his routine. I think this may redefine "hardcore" for those of us who forsake the outdoors for wintertime training.

The colder weather is now upon us so let's take our inspiration from the man in the above picture and make sure to not only stay active this winter but also to get outside, no matter what the weather.

It is important to remember the survivalist phrase "cotton kills" when we get dressed to train outdoors in colder and wetter weather. MEC sells very inexpensive wicking underwear and shirts, a must as cotton will hold your sweat and also is a very poor insulator unlike poly base layers which retain body heat and wick moisture to the surface where it evaporates. If you are unsure what type of base layers to wear, ask the staff at MEC or any other good outdoor-wear store.

Another great investment is some sort of waterproof/breatheable jacket and pants. A quality rainsuit can be a bit pricey but with proper care it will last for years. I am a big fan of Gortex but there are many other such fabric technologies out there that provide similar performance.

It can be next to impossible to keep your feet completely dry so make sure to steer away from cotton socks as well. Merino wool socks are a great investment as they will keep your feet toasty warm even when soaked right through. I have been able to hike for hours this way with soaking wet feet!

If you are well-prepared clothing-wise you will certainly discover a new love for British Columbia in the wintertime, and avoid a case of cabin-fever at the same time!


Just had to post this!

I was having a discussion with Sifu Ralph before last night's Wing Tsun Vancouver Fall Seminar and I remembered this hilarious video I saw a few weeks ago on YouTube. Emailed it to him today and thought it would give my blog's readers a chuckle.

My favourite part is where the big guy holding the boards says "I didn't move at all."

Junkyard Wars 2008...

On Sunday September 28 2008 one of my clients, Dr. Ram, and his team-mates made a musical instrument out of junk. One of the parts of the competition was to have the instrument play the Indiana Jones Theme. This is their performance...

The team won the second place prize. I was there to see the other entries and in my opinion they were robbed of a first place finish by a far inferior machine : )

Dr. Ram and Team

Dr. Ram at the controls!

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