Don't believe I did a Turkish Get Up with the Lions Gate Bridge? See the photo below for proof.
Spurred on by this triumph of muscle over steel, I vow to do the same with every bridge in the Lower Mainland!
Monday, March 09, 2009
Heliomatrix - Dr. Ram and Team strike again!
The Heliomatrix - See video below!
This past Friday, March 6th, Tony and I went to the Midforms Festival at the BCIT Campus. Aside from my client Dr. Ram and Team's Heliomatrix, there were other "innovative exhibits showcasing the convergence of media art, electronic music, and digitalculture".
"The Heliomatrix is an adaptive mirror array precisely controlled by servos and coordinated by a network of microcontrollers. It is like a chameleon, with scaly flesh composed of reflective mirrors, each one capable of independent thought and movement. The array harnesses, reflects and manipulates light to produce a virtually limitless spectrum of effects, ranging from a sophisticated, multi-coloured light show to a savage display of the sun's incendiary power."
I could not have said it better myself : )
See below for photos and video:
You can control things on the screen by waving your hand!
Tony giving us his best "Burton Cummings"
A sweet old-skool ghetto blaster from another exhibit.
Wing Tsun Chi-Sau Seminar with Sifu Ralph!
WT Vancouver Senior Students at Philip's kwoon.
On Saturday, Februray 28th 2009, the senior students of Wing Tsun Vancouver met at Philip's WT school for a review of Chi Sau (sticking-hands) Sections 1-4.
Sifu Ralph often arranges bonus classes/seminars for his senior students to ensure we are all up to speed on the Sections. This way, we do not miss out on important training tips should we have to miss some of the regular weekly classes.
This was the third such bonus class I have been to for Sections 1-4 and, as always, I learned some new ways to better train my Chi-Sau Sections! The saying "An inch wide and a mile deep" certainly applies here, as though the sections are few in number, the ideas hidden within them are many.
I am looking forward to this weekend's review of Sections 5-7!