The main event of Wing Tsun Vancouver's first 2008 seminar!
Last night, we began again with a section from the Chum Kiu (Second Form). This time it was section 5, including the WT sidekick! As on Monday, we continued the forms training pretty much non-stop for the better part of two hours. Again, the intense focus on a few key movements meant we were able to really get into the precision performance of each part. The more tired you became, the more powerful was your performance. Sounds like the opposite should be true, I know... : )
After a short water (and smoothie) break we were treated to a performance of the Siu Nim Tau (First Form) and the Chum Kiu by four of my younger kung fu brothers. Watching Edmond's whip-like arm movements reminded me of why I named him "Wooden Arms " Chow... ouch!
Then for me and the other 1TG testing Trainer Team members it was time to finish the last 45 minutes with some blindfolded Chi-Sau (sticky arms training). It is amazing how your technique can go South once you are unable to see! Old habits come out again and it can feel like you have jumped back a few years in your training. Once I got a bit more used to it, I was better able to feel where my body was in space and thus increase the rate of self-correction. There is definitely more blindfolded WT training in my future. In fact, I plan to add this method to my weight training as well. Thanks to Brian (2TG) for being my Chi-Sau partner! You can check out his Wing Tsun blog HERE.
Check out some photos from last night, including Nilo's trademarked Leung Ting face. The picture is a bit blurred from the intensity of his death-stare...

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