Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A tribute to a most valued member of our 9am class. RIP Winks the cat.

Winks in repose.

For the past three-years, Winks the cat had been an important part of our 9am class indoor-training. Her agile movements, acrobatic skills and dog-wrangling abilities impressed us most every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. Winks was also a prolific bird-catcher, despite only having the one eye! She was also stricken with three or more terminal diseases, and had been since I first met her three years ago. You would never know it looking at her. What a cat!

This summer's heat-wave was just too much for our Winks to endure and in July she succumbed to her many outwardly-unnoticeable ailments.

She will be missed. Especially by Bailey, the dog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

R.I.P. Winks

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