A very informative interview with a great trainer!
Yesterday, I listened to an interview with renowned kettlebell trainer Mike Mahler of http://www.mikemahler.com/.
Mike is a former Senior RKC with Pavel Tsatsouline and has since struck out on his own. I always enjoy his informative monthly e-magazine and share many of his training philosophies.
The interview is based around optimizing hormones for strength, health and wellbeing and touches on such things as:
The importance of a balanced diet, where Mike recommends The Zone as a good starting point for most people. The most important point being that quality food is paramount no matter what diet you subscribe to.
The absolute importance of getting sufficient sleep. In fact, this is his number one recommendation for increasing positive hormonal levels!
The fact that we have been fooled by suppliment companies into thinking we need so much protein. According to Mike, the maximum amount we can metabolize at one time is 20-grams. Think about that the next time you go for that canned protein shake that promises 30 to 40-grams!
The amazing results gained from high-intensity interval-style cardio as opposed to the typical 45 to 60 minutes spent on an elliptical, stationary-bike or treadmill.
How lifting heavy weights will give both Men and Women the tight, toned and strong body they desire. Ladies, lifting heavy WILL NOT turn you into a female bodybuilder!
The importance of working the posterior muscle chain (back, glutes, hamstrings) for real-life strength and resistance to injury.
The fact that overhead pressing is the most effective pressing movement. Overhead pressing will improve your bench-press but not the other way round!
I urge you to take the time to listen to this interview. It can be found HERE. The page loads a bit slowly, so be patient!
Many of my clients will recognize some of the advice given : ) I'm not the only one who advocates simple, intense and multi-joint focused workouts!
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