Monday, May 12, 2008

"Why?" A most important question to ask...

This morning, while driving to my Real Fitness 9am class, I threw a Right WingTsun thrusting punch out over the steering wheel as I am often wont to do for additional practice : )

I noticed that my arm extended unusually easily and felt even looser and more relaxed in the elbow than normal. A quick punch thrown with the Left (Right hand on the wheel now), revealed the same result. I threw out a few more and by then had arrived at the park. After our training session, I started to consider why my punches felt that much more loose and relaxed. As my personal training program is simple and contains mostly a few key exercises, I was able to quickly figure out the cause: the kettlebell military press. You see, when pressing a weight overhead, a key element is pulling the shoulder down and into the socket with your lats. This is done to keep the shoulder joint stable with a heavy load overhead. The pulling of the lats and extreme shoulder flexion also seem to elicit a contraction of the biceps, thus making straightening the arm more difficult. My efforts to relax and stretch the bicep at the top of the KB military press have carried over to my now looser thrusting-punch lockout. Funnily enough, I do remember considering that fact occasionally while performing the presses...

In my mind, there are a couple of great benefits in taking the time to consider why you notice an increase in a certain performance. First of all, you are able to build in the most powerful reason to continue to stay strong and healthy; the real life applications of strength/flexibility/endurance gained from regular and focused exercise. Secondly, this awareness allows you to find out what type of training works for YOU. We are all different and react differently to stimulus, both physical and mental. Finding a workable combination of exercises and related stimulating activities is the real secret to staying healthy for life.

In short, your fitness routine must really MEAN something to you!

A great way to start increasing your awareness is to take off the ipod for a few weeks of workouts. Listen to your body instead. Try focusing on things like your breathing, form and posture. Even if you go back to the ipod in two weeks, this break will have built a much better connection between your body and mind. Consider keeping at least a few workouts music-free from now on and you will be amazed at the difference in your training. You should find yourself asking "why?" much more often!


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